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Cons Of Mouseover For Webpages

So I am currently creating a 'button' with multiple images within it like a slideshow and whenever I MouseOver it, the image changes to another image. However whenever the slidesh

Solution 1:

Since you are using jQuery you can utilize the hover() function.

$("#image1").hover(function () {
    $(this).attr("src", "images/board_01_over.jpg");

function () {
    $(this).attr("src", "images/board_01_01.jpg");

For you slider it's easier to make a little object out of it so it's easier to control.

varSlideshow = {

    start: function () {
        // catch the interval ID so you can stop it later onthis.interval = window.setInterval(, 3000);

    next: function () {
         * You cannot refer to the keyword this in this function
         * since it gets executed outside the object's context.
        your logic

    stop: function () {

Now you can easily call


from anywhere to start and stop your slider.

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