How To Insert A Block Every Several Div With Haml?
I want to insert a div.row every three blocks in order to wrap three span together for the following haml snippet. But this code insert a rather
Solution 1:
I think what you want is something like this:
-data.apps.applications.each_slice(3) do |apps|
-apps.each do |app|
This uses each_slice
. apps
is an array of three items from applications
This takes groups of three elements from applications
, and for each group adds a row
div and then adds a span4
div for each element, so what you get is something like this:
If you don't have a multiple of three elements, the last group will just have one or two members.
Solution 2:
Your indentation is wrong
- data.apps.applications.each_with_index do |app, index|
- ifindex%3 == 0
.row # This is the line I want to insert
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