Javascript Nogray Calendar Use Drop Down Boxes With Calendar Instead Of Input Field And Calendar
I am trying to use the NoGray calendar with drop down inputs instead of the usual input field so that there will be a drop down box for the date, month and year and that they updat
Solution 1:
To use drop down menus instead of the standard input box, you'll need to populate the values manually.
Here is a quick example (we used input boxes to simplify the code)
We are using input boxes to simplify the example<br><br><inputid="date_input"type="text"size="2"><inputid="month_input"type="text"size="2"><inputid="year_input"type="text"size="4"><aid="my_cal_toggle"href="#">Open Calendar</a><divid="my_cal_container"></div><scriptsrc="PATH/TO/ng_all.js"type="text/javascript"></script><scriptsrc="PATH/TO/components/calendar.js"type="text/javascript"></script><scripttype="text/javascript">
ng.ready( function() {
var my_cal = new ng.Calendar({
select: function(dt){
ng.get('date_input').value = dt.getDate();
ng.get('month_input').value = dt.getMonth() + 1;
ng.get('year_input').value = dt.getFullYear();
// most likely you don't need this since you are forcing selectionunselect: function(){
ng.get('date_input').value = '';
ng.get('month_input').value = '';
ng.get('year_input').value = '';
click: function(evt){
// stopping the auto component closemouseup: function(evt){
You an see it working at
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