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Country And State Selection Using Html And Javascript

I have applied the logic in view.jsp in Liferay to show the state list on State drop down based on the Country selected from the Country drop down. I have used html and java script

Solution 1:

You had a lot of mis-spellings. Check this out:

I also set the initial display to none for the stateLabel and stateId elements.

<label id="stateLabel" style="display: none">State:</label>  
<select name="<portlet:namespace/>State" style="display: none"id="stateId">

Solution 2:

Your code was close, but due to some inconsistencies in variable names, it failed to function. For instance, your onchange event is bound to countryChange, but your function is named CountryChange. It's a good idea to drop your script into some sort of validator like jsHint to analyze why your code isn't working as expected.

with a couple tweaks and those inconsistencies ironed out, it appears to be functioning as expected now HTML:

<selectname="<portlet:namespace/>Country"id="countryId"onchange="window.CountryChange()"><optionvalue="0">Select Country</option><optionvalue='US'>United States</option><optionvalue='CA'>Canada</option></select><divid="stateField"style="display:none"><labelid="stateLabel">State:</label><selectname="<portlet:namespace/>State"id="stateId"></select></div>


window.CountryChange = function () {
      var countryState = [
          'US', [
            ['', 'State/Province'],
            ['AL', 'Alabama'],
            ['AK', 'Alaska'],
            ['AZ', 'Arizona'],
            ['AR', 'Arkansas'],
          'CA', [
            ['', 'State/Province'],
            ['AB', 'Alberta'],
            ['BC', 'British Columbia'],
            ['MB', 'Manitoba'],
            ['NB', 'New Brunswick'],

      var countryElement = document.getElementById('countryId');
      var stateElement = document.getElementById('stateId');
      var stateLabelElement = document.getElementById('stateLabel');
      var stateFieldElement = document.getElementById('stateField');

      if (countryElement && stateElement) {
        var listOfState = [
          ['XX', 'None']

        var currentCountry = countryElement.options[countryElement.selectedIndex].value;
        for (var i = 0; i < countryState.length; i++) {
          if (currentCountry == countryState[i][0]) {
            listOfState = countryState[i][1];

        if (listOfState.length < 2) {
 = "none";
        } else {
 = "inline-block";
        var selectedState;
        for (var i = 0; i < stateElement.length; i++) {
          if (stateElement.options[i].selected === true) {
            selectedState = stateElement.options[i].value;
        stateElement.options.length = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < listOfState.length; i++) {
          stateElement.options[i] = newOption(listOfState[i][1], listOfState[i][0]);
          if (listOfState[i][0] == selectedState) {
            stateElement.options[i].selected = true;

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