Extracting Anchor Values Hidden In Div Tags
From a html page I need to extract the values of v from all anchor links…each anchor link is hidden in some 5 div tags
Solution 2:
I would better parse HTML with SimpleXML and XPath:
// Get your page HTML string
$html = file_get_contents('xx.html');
// As per comment by Gordon to suppress invalid markup warnings
// Create SimpleXML object
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->strictErrorChecking = false;
$xml = simplexml_import_dom($doc);
// Find a nodes
$anchors = $xml->xpath('//a[contains(@href, "v=")]');
foreach ($anchors as $a)
$href = (string)$a['href'];
$url = parse_url($href);
parse_str($url['query'], $params);
// $params['v'] contains what we need
$vd[] = $params['v']; // push into array
// Clear invalid markup error buffer
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