Assign Selected Option Value From Database
I have a form which contains a dropdown list of countries generated from database. The values are stored in database. There is an option in which user can view or update the values
Solution 1:
<selectid="list"name="list"><optionvalue=""> Please Select </option><?$list = array('1',
while ($L = array_shift($list)) {
?><optionvalue="<?=$L?>"<?if($selected == $L){ echo'selected="selected"'; }?> ><?=$L?></option><?
you can simple get the selected option with this:
try please.
Solution 2:
$selected = $list["country_country_name"];
<tr><td>Country</td><td><selectonchange="getCountry(this.value);"name="country"id="country" ><?phpforeach( $queryas$qry ) {
$sel = '';
if( $qry["country_country_name"] == $selected )
$sel = 'selected="selected"';
echo'<option value="'.$qry["country_country_name"].'" '.$sel.'>'.$qry["country_country_name"].'</option>'."\n";
} ?></select><?phpecho form_error('country'); ?></td></tr>
Solution 3:
When your option tag's value
attribute contains the same value as the option's text, the value attribute is not necessary -- so omit it.
Below shows an inline condition statement.
<tr><td>Country</td><td><selectonchange="getCountry(this.value);"name="country"id="country"><?phpforeach ($queryas$row) {
echo"<option" ,
($row["country_country_name"] == $list['country_country_name'] ? ' selected' : '') ,
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