Image Wont Load When Clicked For Larger Image
For the assignment I'm doing, you need to get a modal pop out to have larger sizes of the photo appear and you can also click the x to go back. The x wont go back for me and I also
Solution 1:
You forgot the #
in the jQuery selector function.
Change $('modal-content')
to $('#modal-content')
In order to render the recent viewed images I've updated the getSizes
function like this:
function getSizes(photoObj) {
let getSizesStr = "" + API_KEY + "&photo_id=" +;
$.get(getSizesStr, function(data) {
photoObj.thumbnail = data.sizes.size[2].source; // "label": "Thumbnail",
photoObj.file = data.sizes.size[3].source; // "label": "Small",
photoObj.full = data.sizes.size[data.sizes.size.length - 1].source; // "label": "Original",
if (nreceived == nrequest) {
As you can see, I've added photoObj.thumbnail
photoObj.thumbnail = data.sizes.size[2].source;
I declared a global array variable called viewedImages
to store the recent viewed images.
let viewedImages = [];
I've added a new function to render the recent viewed images called showViewedImages()
functionshowViewedImages() {
var len = viewedImages.length, html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
html += "<li><img src=\"";
html += viewedImages[i];
html += "\" /></li>";
Throug the
URL method you get all you need.
This is the JSON response:
"sizes": {
"canblog": 0,
"canprint": 0,
"candownload": 1,
"size": [
"label": "Square",
"width": 75,
"height": 75,
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_76cb19bf81_s.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/sq\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Large Square",
"width": "150",
"height": "150",
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_76cb19bf81_q.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/q\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Thumbnail",
"width": "100",
"height": "67",
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_76cb19bf81_t.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/t\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Small",
"width": "240",
"height": "160",
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_76cb19bf81_m.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/s\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Small 320",
"width": "320",
"height": 213,
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_76cb19bf81_n.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/n\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Medium",
"width": "500",
"height": "333",
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_76cb19bf81.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/m\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Medium 640",
"width": "640",
"height": "427",
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_76cb19bf81_z.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/z\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Medium 800",
"width": "800",
"height": 534,
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_76cb19bf81_c.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/c\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Large",
"width": "1024",
"height": "683",
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_76cb19bf81_b.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/l\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Large 1600",
"width": "1600",
"height": 1067,
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_3971a09b92_h.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/h\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Large 2048",
"width": "2048",
"height": 1365,
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_f71da7999c_k.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/k\/",
"media": "photo"
"label": "Original",
"width": "3000",
"height": "2000",
"source": "https:\/\/\/890\/41465072422_08af9d42ac_o.jpg",
"url": "https:\/\/\/photos\/54097044@N03\/41465072422\/sizes\/o\/",
"media": "photo"
"stat": "ok"
Something like this:
$(function() {
$(".request").on("click", function() {
let searchText = $(this).children().text(); // Once you've clicked on a single button with the class "request" you get its children text content. In this case <p> tag has a text content: "Tennis": <button><p>Tennis</p></button>.letAPI_KEY = "39417c145483a7fb3ee91c5fe5bc93fe"; // My API key only test purposes for this question.let tennisStr = "" + searchText + "&per_page=15&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&api_key=" + API_KEY;
let photos = [];
let nrequest;
let nreceived;
let viewedImages = []; // Array variable to store the recent image thumbnail URL.
$.get(tennisStr, function(data) { // jQuery.get() method wich runs $.ajax() function with GET request type by default.fetchPhoto(data); // Inside the anonymous function call the fetchPhoto function with the current data from the API url requested.
functionfetchPhoto(data) {
nrequest =; // Gets the length of the "" array.
nreceived = 0; // Initialization with 0.for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
let photoObj = { // In this section you're declaration "photoObj" for every[i].id,
functiongetSizes(photoObj) {
let getSizesStr = "" + API_KEY + "&photo_id=" +;
$.get(getSizesStr, function(data) {
photoObj.thumbnail = data.sizes.size[2].source; // "label": "Thumbnail",
photoObj.file = data.sizes.size[3].source; // "label": "Small",
photoObj.full = data.sizes.size[data.sizes.size.length - 1].source; // "label": "Original",if (nreceived == nrequest) {
functiondisplay(photos) {
let htmlStr = "";
for (let i = 0; i < photos.length; i++) {
htmlStr += `<figure data-full="${photos[i].full}" data-thumbnail="${photos[i].thumbnail}"><img src = "${photos[i].file}"><figcaption>${photos[i].title}</figcaption></figure>`;
$('figure').each(function(index) {
$(this).click(function() {
viewedImages.push($(this).attr('data-thumbnail')); // We're adding the thumbnail URL value to the viewedImages array.
$('#modal-container').css('display', 'block');
$('#modal-content').attr('src', $(this).attr('data-full'));
$("#modal-close").click(function() {
showViewedImages(); // Call the showViewedImages function to render a list <ul><li><img src="" /></li></ul> with the "photoObj.thumbnail" content.
$('#modal-container').css('display', 'none');
$('#modal-content').attr('src', '');
functionshowViewedImages() {
var len = viewedImages.length, html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
html += "<li><img src=\"";
html += viewedImages[i];
html += "\" /></li>";
$("#viewedImagesList").html(html); // Finally, insert the html value to the "viewedImagesList" element. <ul id="viewedImagesList"></ul>
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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset=utf-8><linkrel="stylesheet"type="text/css"href="css/style.css"><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc="./js/main.js"></script><title>Sports Album</title></head><body><header><h1>Sports Album</h1></header><divclass="flex-container"><divid="navigation"><h2>Categories</h2><br><divid="nav"><buttonclass="request"><p>Tennis</p></button><buttonclass="request"><p>Football</p></button><buttonclass="request"><p>Swimming</p></button></div></div><divid="flickrphoto"><h2>Welcome to the Sports Album! Click the buttons on the left for sporting photos</h2></div><divid="recenthistory"><h3>Recent history</h3><ulid="viewedImagesList"></ul></div></div><divclass="footer"><p>Jasmine</p></div><divid="modal-container"><spanid="modal-close">×</span><imgid="modal-content"><divid="modal-caption">Caption</div></div></body></html>
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