How To Calculate Values With The Refrence To Multi Select Drop Down And Textbox Using Jquery
I have a html form having- 1 multi select dropdown :Where users select the name_of_employee. 1 Textbox : Where users enter the Total
Solution 1:
Working Demo :
$(function() {
$("#multiple").change(function() {
var multipleValues = $("#multiple").val() || "";
var result = "";
if (multipleValues != "") {
var aVal = multipleValues.toString().split(",");
var count = $("#multiple :selected").length;
$.each(aVal, function(i, value) {
result += "<div>";
result += "<input type='text' name='opval" + (parseInt(i) + 1) + "' value='" + value.trim() + "'>";
result += "<input type='text' name='optext" + (parseInt(i) + 1) + "' value='" + $("#multiple").find("option[value=" + value + "]").text().trim() + "'>";
result += "<input type='text' name='option" + (parseInt(i) + 1) + "' value='' '>";//result should display in this textbox .i.e (result= total_price/count )
result += "</div>";
alert("Number of selected Names="+count);
//Set Result
var multipleValues = $("#multiple").val() || "";
var total_price = $("#toal_price").val();
var aVal = multipleValues.toString().split(",");
var count = $("#multiple :selected").length;
if (multipleValues != "") {
$.each(aVal, function(i, value) {
var price = total_price / count;
$("input[name=option"+(parseInt(i) + 1)+"]").val(price);
<form id="frm">
<select id="multiple" multiple="multiple" style="width: 120px;height: 120px;">
<option value="1" >
<option value="6">
Jems Bond
<option value="7">
Danial Crack
<option value="8">
Dan Brown
<option value="9">
Angilina Jolly
<input type="text" id="toal_price" name="total_price" size="13" id="" style="background-color:orange;font-size: 22px;color: blue"/> <!--User will enter the total_price in this textbox -->
<div id="result">
Solution 2:
I wont generate the whole code for you, but I can give you some tips, basically, with jquery, you'd do something like this.
calculator = function(){
//I would select it by once the user has selected it, add a active class to it
var firstDropdown = $('') .val(),
price = $('textarea').val(),
result = firstDropdown / price;
//I'd then have a container that would hold the dynamic textarea
$('#container').html('<textarea class="eval">' + result + '</textarea>')
If I've helped you start this in any way, please be sure to vote it up :) if you want to call the function, just use calculator(); on the onclick event of a button.
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