Limit The Paragraph Width To Its Parent Div
To accomplish what you want you need to use min-width. Check the JsFiddle and try to drag the middle border to see the effect. This is by the advice of @Sergiy T. Otherwise you would really need to use scripts.
Solution 2:
If I understand correct you want to remove float:left
on div2
Solution 3:
To div1 fix width=300px and margin-right:10px. Remove float:left to div2.
Solution 4:
Put you image inside the second div, using float left.
Solution 5:
You may replace float:left
display:table-cell; vertical-align:top
for your div1 and div2
Edit: I was able to almost achieve what you need with following code.
<div style="width:100%;">
<div style="float:left;">
<img src="" />
<div style="display:table;">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. [...] Sed in quam dolor. </p>
The tricky part is <p>test</p>
. Without paragraph or with empty one text will not move to the bottom of the image when window is re-sized. I think any block element will do thougn not tested that. Still I do not know why it happens.
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