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Jquery Select First Letter?

I am simply attempting to get jquery to identify the first letter of a paragraph. How would I do this? For example, I have a page with a number of paragrahs on a page. I would lik

Solution 1:


    if(jQuery(this).text().substr(0,1).toUpperCase() == 'B'){

You can use PHP to clean the variable and the print it in JS:

<script type="text/javascript">
var letter = '<?php  echo (strlen($_GET['letter']) == 1) ? $_GET['letter'] : ''; ?>'

Or just grab it with document.location and extract it.

Solution 2:

If you'd like to use JavaScript to grab the letter from the URL query string, run a regular expression on

var letterParam =[a-z])/i), letter;

if (letterParam)
    letter = letterParam[1];

To match paragraphs starting with that letter, use the charAt() method in JavaScript strings:

if (letter)
        if ($(this).text().charAt(0).toUpperCase() == 'B')
            // Apply the CSS class or change the style...

Solution 3:

To hide the <p> tags whose text does not start with the letter B:

$('p').filter(function() {
  return $(this).text().charAt(0).toUpperCase() != 'B';

Solution 4:

$('p').hide().filter(function(){return $(this).text().match(/^b/i);}).show();

or indented

                         return $(this).text().match(/^b/i);

remove the i in the match if you want it to be case sensitive..

and you can look at on how to get the url parameters..

Solution 5:

I don't know if its relevant here, but I am using this to style the first character.

$(".menu ul li.page_item a").each(function() {
var text = $(this).html();
var first = $('<span>'+text.charAt(0)+'</span>').addClass('caps');


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