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How To Avoid Tab Stop On The Link?

I have to use Tooltip is here But I wo

Solution 1:

You can set the tabindex to a higher value then all other elements of the page (unique way without js). Disabling this causes accessibility issues.

People use tabs to navigate between elements and some softwares use this as the navigation order among other factors. (More detail here: If your objective is hide this link from screen readers and people with some limitations, there's no problem through.

Solution 2:

tabindex 0 is the first element in the tab order. Try tabindex="-1".


According to html4 specification:

This value must be a number between 0 and 32767

So technically, you cannot enter a negative number for this attribute.

But it does not say anything about removing an element from the tab order, apart from disabling it :

Elements that are disabled do not participate in the tabbing order.

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